I'm about 200 pages from the end of OotP and I'm getting so anxious that I can barely keep reading, which makes me wish I could remember the first time I read it, before I knew what was coming.
Speaking of Harry Potter fandom, one time I read a fic where Harry was obsessed with getting fucked by wolf!Remus and turned into a werewolf and then Sirius, Remus, and Harry had a wolf/wolf/dog threesome.
Man, I wish I was back in school so I could write a paper comparing and contrasting the societal metaphors in the Hunger Games and the Triwizard Tournament.
I finally got around to watching Sherlock, then promptly spoiled it for somebody on tumblr, but I don't think it counts as a spoiler because everybody sees that part coming anyway, especially if you're familiar with the original canon.